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BB day 64/69

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BB day 64/69 Empty BB day 64/69

Post  Banjo 2014-09-03, 15:21

Coming down to the crunch time for strategic planning. Derrick still looks like the best bet for the $500K if his strategery works out as he hopes.

Meanwhile Daniele Donato (my favorite HG) is #7 in the final 16 of the favorite HG of all time poll. Vote for her here:

Big Brother 16 Double Eviction Prep: Derrick Moves His Pieces In To Place

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 11:00 AM PDT

Big Brother Houseguests are preparing for the upcoming Double Eviction this week and while they don’t know for sure, Derrick is feeling especially confident about its arrival and has been working hard to grease the tracks.

Derrick Levasseur on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

On Tuesday Derrick made his rounds in the house talking with the expected F6 Houseguests about best next steps for “their” game while pushing his angle and working to convince them of what needed to be done.

With Nicole as the anticipated eviction there will be five players left to compete in the first HoH battle of the night. Christine, Cody, Derrick, Frankie, and Victoria will all have a shot to win and Derrick wants to make sure each of them are pointed in the “right” direction.

Talking with Caleb and Frankie yesterday Derrick was sure to mention to both of them how secure of a supporting vote from Victoria would be for them and how foolish it’d be for them to evict her over someone more uncertain, like say, Christine.

In a follow up discussion later on Tuesday, Flashback to 3:07PM BBT, Derrick is sitting with Caleb explaining how much better a F4 of the guys plus Victoria would be for their game. What an easy week they’d have in that situation, suggests Derrick. Frankie joins them and all discuss the noms pairing should be Christine and Victoria with Christine being evicted.

Meanwhile inside you’ve got Christine and Cody talking down about Frankie. Christine is actually crying over worries that she’s been tied to Frankie and the guys are plotting without. Both say they want to get Frankie on the block and send him home before Victoria leaves. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Christine, should she pull off the HoH win, put up Frankie alongside Victoria.

Derrick sits down with Christine much later in the night. Flashback to 11:35PM BBT for their talk. Christine asks if Derrick would put up Victoria. He says he has to, but then adds that “as far as going after [Victoria], it might be a waste, ya know.” Christine says she’s been thinking about the money vs their F5. “You don’t have to convince me,” says Derrick in regards to sending Frankie home over Victoria and breaking up their F5 plans.

In a late night talk between Derrick and Cody, Flashback to 1:29AM BBT 9/3, Cody says Christine would definitely put up Frankie while Frankie would most likely put up Christine. It’s tough to tell which direction Derrick is trying to point Cody in as he tells him concerns on both possible targets. Cody may not be open to suggestions though as he firmly states he will put up Frankie.

As their conversation continues it appears that Derrick is making sure Cody wouldn’t vote out Victoria over Christine in case they’re paired on the block (as he’s discussed with Frankie). Derrick also pushes Cody to avoid putting Caleb up as a renom if Frankie came down because he suggests Caleb might stay and Victoria would go then Cody would be stuck with one angry Caleb. What I think Derrick is really doing is making sure that if Cody noms Frankie but Frankie wins Veto then Cody puts up Christine. This way Derrick can make sure to get out either Frankie or Christine no matter what scenario plays out.

Right now it looks like Derrick has Frankie and Caleb convinced that Christine should be the target in the DE. Caleb can’t nominate, but he’ll be able to vote. Then he’s got Christine thinking that someone other than Victoria should be the one to go and he knows she’s none too happy with Frankie right now. Lastly he knows Cody is set to nominate Frankie as well and wants him gone over Victoria.

All that boils down to Frankie and Christine are primed as the main targets in Thursday’s Double Eviction. It will depend on which side of the target-divide wins HoH and then we’ll go from there.

Which Houseguest would you rather see evicted in the second round on Thursday night? Christine or Frankie? Share your thoughts.

Big Brother 16: Will Team America Mission Be ‘Save Nicole’?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT

Yesterday I started thinking of Team America and wondered what was going on with that this week. Seems I wasn’t the only one asking that question as TA’s remaining members pondered the situation last night on the Feeds.

Derrick and Frankie discuss Team America – Source: CBS

Flashback to 11:17PM BBT 9/2 Cams 1/2 as Derrick Levasseur and Frankie Grande discuss the absence of any word from Big Brother on Team America. Derrick suggests it’s likely wrapped up after last week’s “ehh, do whatever” mission that ended in an “overwhelming no.” Frankie disagrees.

Frankie is confident they have more work ahead and even mentions what we have heard discussed before. Should any member of Team America be evicted the tasks and missions would carry on until no one was left to take orders, per the rules from Big Brother. So what’s going on?

For much of the Team America season we saw missions arrive at the start of the Big Brother week. Then last week the Team America viewers’ vote wasn’t until Wednesday night. With no word yet to either viewers or the TA HGs I think we’re about to see a repeat of that late cycle vote and I’m worried of just what that might be.

When tonight’s Big Brother show wraps up viewers will have the final nominees of the week in front of them. Should CBS be waiting until that time to offer a vote that once again has an A/B set of options then it seems fairly suggestive of what that vote will be: who do the viewers want evicted.

Many fans have called for a Pandora’s Box, a Diamond Power of Veto, a Coup d’Etat, or some other sort of power designed to rescue Nicole from certain elimination. But why do something so outright when they can ask viewers who they want to keep: Nicole or Victoria? Hmm, I wonder.

If there is a Team America vote this week, and I do believe there will be, or at least I don’t think Team America is over just yet, then this seems highly probable for what viewers get to choose. While I know there are a lot of fans that would be thrilled for Nicole to stay, here’s my issue: it’s going to seriously rock Derrick’s game at the cost of giving Nicole a THIRD life in the house.

All season Derrick has carefully cultivated his wallflower, Victoria. He’s made sure she had water, sunlight, and just enough attention to keep it alive and well protected in the house. Yesterday he was still at it convincing his allies that a vote against Victoria would be a waste in the case of a Double Eviction. She’s his ticket to a landslide F2 and Derrick is counting on it.

Should viewers have the choice to control TA’s votes in favor of keeping Nicole or Victoria they will most likely vote for an “overwhelming yes” in Nicole’s favor and then what of Derrick’s months of hard work? Poof! But would it come to that?

This week there are four votes which puts a tie-breaker in the mix. Right now the house is set to vote out Nicole with all four upcoming votes pending against her. If Derrick and Frankie receive word to vote out Nicole then they could either say “no” or take a riskier path and rely on Caleb to make sure Nicole was still evicted. Two votes for Victoria to stay and two votes for her to go would pull in Caleb for the first tie-breaker of the summer.

Derrick and Frankie would have to coordinate this with Caleb under some sort of plan, possibly something about giving him another line item on his Big Brother resume. Caleb could then vote out Nicole, Derrick could keep his pawn, and Team America collects their check for having tried.

I won’t be surprised if Team America receives a mission to vote to keep Nicole, but I will be surprised if it works out and she stays. One way or the other, I do expect Nicole Franzel to walk out that door. Again.

Update: To clarify, this is a scenario for how TA could pull off a “vote to keep Nicole” mission & still keep Victoria. If the mission is more restrictive as “campaign to keep Nicole & save her” then I think they’ll flat out decline it as they did with the proposed “Save Donny” mission.

Update 2: Yes, this would be risky and a challenge, but shouldn’t that be the point if they’re receiving $5K? They had a gimme mission last week and they failed. So maybe we’ll get to see how well they can scheme and plan without all that “dead weight” Frankie mentioned.

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