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BB Day 84 9-9-15

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BB Day 84 9-9-15 Empty BB Day 84 9-9-15

Post  Banjo 2015-09-09, 14:26

Unless Vanessa wins an HOH it looks like she has dug her own grave or painted herself into a corner or whatever cliche suits you.. tongue

Big Brother 17: Vanessa Agrees To Flip Vote Under 3 Conditions
By: Matthew Boyer | September 9, 2015 at 10:45 AM EDT

After days of telling the twins Julia and Liz Nolan that the choice of who would stay was up to them the twins have finally called Vanessa Rousso’s bluff leaving her in a very awkward position that could end up imploding her season long effort to reach the Final Two.

Vanessa Rousso working on a way out of this mess – Source: CBS All Access

Since Saturday we’ve listened to Vanessa tell the twins that she’d support any decision they made all the while pushing them towards wanting Liz out of the game. Of course this was advantageous to Vanessa, not the Austwins, but it took days for them to catch on to what was happening.

Overnight Monday the Austwins started to discuss how well Vanessa had been playing both sides of the house and working to weaken the Austwins while keeping herself in the middle. Then on Tuesday afternoon they came up with a plan to trap Vanessa by telling her they changed their mind and wanted Liz to stay after all. Austin said this would expose whether or not Vanessa had been playing them, but it would also force her to either stay in the hole she dug or give them more ammo to use against her. Turns out they’re getting both.

Last night Austin went to Vanessa and explained that the twins had debated the choice and settled on keeping Liz in the game. Not what Vanessa wanted to hear. As she’s been claiming for days, Vanessa said she was ambivalent over which one would stay or go but then began giving Austin several reasons why Liz should be the one to go, you know, for his benefit of course. Austin was expecting push back so he played along but continued to insist that Liz stay. Vanessa said okay, but then magically created a new requirement: Steve had to approve.

With her back against the wall we waited and watched to see if Vanessa would reject this attempt to keep Liz by blaming Steve or if she’d relent and lay down in the mess she had been making all weekend. Once again Vanessa had been busy talking way more than she needed to be doing with these past few days bringing us back to her repeated flaw: unnecessary. This entire situation was unnecessary and brought on by Vanessa promising too much to too many players when she didn’t need to.

Finally Vanessa agreed to the deal with the Austwins but she had three conditions. Flashback to 6:42 PM BBT on your Live Feeds (get a Free Trial) and then settle in.

Vanessa tells Austin and Liz she’s willing to keep Liz and hey, maybe they shouldn’t even tell Steve. Heh. What Vanessa needs from them is to first promise that she will not be an upfront nominee. So if Austin or Liz becomes HoH then they’d have to nominate Steve and John. Of course that only leaves Vanessa for any renom situations which she yet again continues to erroneously call a “Backdoor.” No, no, no, Vanessa. A renom is a renom. A Backdoor is several things, but going up on the Block on Monday does not equal a “Backdoor.”

Next, should the final noms in F5 round be John and Steve then she gets to choose who is evicted. See the vote count there, in theory, would be Vanessa and Liz/Austin for the two votes which could split and Austin/Liz (HoH) would be the tie-breaker. Vanessa is saying it wouldn’t go to a tie-breaker or if it did then she’d tell the HoH how to split it.

Pausing for a moment we can look at the “why?”. Vanessa is about to lose her F2 pawn. Julia has to be her preferred plan at the end and that’s now all getting flushed thanks to Vanessa running her own mouth and painting herself in to a corner. She needs a new F2 pawn and that’d be John who was likely already her back up plan. If things came to a John vs Steve next week and Vanessa gets to pick then she’d send Steve to Jury since she’s likely to believe John is an easier win for her at the end, and I’d agree though she might be able to beat both guys.

Returning to Vanessa’s demands, her third and final element is they have to take her to F2. This is contingent upon Liztin being split up before F3 because if they aren’t then she knows both Liz and Austin would take the other over her. What a terrible situation to be allowing, Vanessa. Ideally for Vanessa Austin or Liz is sent out in F5 or F4 then the remaining one could do something like evicting John instead of her at F3 and she moves on to F2.

Liz and Austin immediately agree to the terms and why wouldn’t they? So will they honor all these terms of Vanessa’s agreement? Heck no! Not if they don’t have to.

Jump ahead to 10:14 PM BBT to find Liz and Julia swinging away in the hammock. Liz is updating Julia on all of Vanessa’s demands. A few minutes later (10:16 PM BBT) Liz assures Julia that they will not keep to the terms. Now I imagine they’ll play along for as long as they need to and if one of them wins HoH next week they can put up the two guys since everyone plays for Veto and there are no more Backdoor opportunities this season. But if they get the chance we just might see them take a swing and knock Vanessa out of the game.

For an added bonus, move over to 10:30.40 PM BBT on Cams 3/4. You’ll find Austin and John having a quick talk about Vanessa’s shenanigans as they plan to meet up later with Steve to discuss a F4. They skirt around saying it explicitly but both are on to Vanessa thanks to her behavior in the Veto comp where she told Julia to target Austin in the knock out challenge. The planned late night talk did not happen, but we’ll keep an eye out for it on Wednesday.

Vanessa is now the odd-HG out, but that doesn’t mean her game is sunk completely. We’re heading toward a F5 with two pairs and Vanessa in the middle. If one side gets more worried about the pairs than Vanessa then she could skate through another round, but with so few options Vanessa will need to win HoH to avoid a likely trip to the Block.

Overall I’m stunned by Vanessa’s choice to allow things to move forward on keeping Liz. For several weeks it’s been clear that Vanessa needed the Goblins then Liz out so she could stroll to the finish line using her combined competitive strength and F2 deals to make that happen. Now she’s missing her second straight chance at evicting Liz and instead keeping someone tied with her in the HoH comp win category and a showmance instead of splitting up Liztin and keeping Julia who has won just one comp this season. It’s nonsensical.

Maybe it’ll work out because Vanessa has had a series of smart moves combined with great luck when she’s made bad moves and that could be just what she needs again real soon. We’ll know for sure in just a few more days, but in the meantime, what do you think of Vanessa agreeing to keep Liz in the game for F5? Game ender or just another bump in her road to F2?

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