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BB day 21

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BB day 21 Empty BB day 21

Post  Banjo 2016-07-06, 15:22

Something new to shake things up but it can't happen until next week at the earliest and it could be derailed if Frank wins HOH this weekend, or POV later.  So this will play out sometime later whenever the situation is right.

BB day 21 Big-brother-live-feeds-bb18-hdr-01

Big Brother 18: Da’Vonne Turns Vets Against Frank
By: Matthew Boyer | July 6, 2016 at 10:45 AM EDT

Last night on the Feeds Da’Vonne Rogers continued her demolition of Frank Eudy’s game in a sweeping series of moves to erode his support and set him up for immediate eviction at their first clear shot.
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After watching Day work through the house yesterday where she brought Tiffany back in to the Fatal Five it was time to make sure the last Vet, James, was also on her side of the divide she was creating.
Nicole had already heard Da’Vonne’s story for the plan to get Frank out over all his deal makings, but James still needed to be caught up on the latest. Flashback to 1:27 AM BBT 7/6 Cams 1/2 on your Live Feeds. Get the Free Trial now to watch.
Da’Vonne pulls James in to the Lounge and wants to know if Frank had been making F4 deals with him. James confirms he has and she explains how Frank set them up with everyone around the house. She jumps right in and says Frank needs to go right away. “Frank Frank?” asks James. He’s shocked.
Backstory: Read how Da’Vonne has been turning the house against Frank.
Day tells James the women are feeling mistreated by Frank with his spanking of them and rude behavior. She says it’s rubbing the women the wrong way and they want him gone.
James sees that Frank was using them to do his dirty work. He explains how Frank wanted James to take out Corey and Paulie for him along with his insistence on others throwing comps so his team could take it and be safe.
Day says she thought the four Vets would work together but instead she keeps seeing Frank make selfish moves to put his game ahead of theirs. She says it’s time they fixed the problem, but when they take this shot it has to be a sure thing. No swinging and missing so she wants it to be a Backdoor.
James wonders if they’ll still have a team with Frank gone. Day says it’ll be him, her, and Nicole. Oh, and Zakiyah, she adds. No mention of the Fatal Five though as Da’Vonne is keeping her side alliances secret from James. This of course being one of Frank’s game sins that she doesn’t like, which is totally fine, but funny in this scenario.
Day circles around and goes back to detailing Frank’s F4 deals. James says he only ever heard from Frank a F4 of the four Vets. He adds that Frank has been worried that an all-girls alliance could be coming together. This will only add fuel to Day’s fire to get Frank out if he’s catching on to what’s really happening.
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They’re still talking at 1:59 AM BBT when Nicole is pulled in to the Lounge. Day lets her know that James now knows everything. They all agree that they can’t throw the HoH comp to Team Frank like he’s been suggesting.
Eventually the talk breaks up around 2:14 AM BBT. James says he won’t tell Frank anything else anymore. Da’Vonne says she’ll only talk to Frank about Tiffany. James jumps up and exits the room leaving just Nicole and Da’Vonne to continue their talk.
It looks like Day has been successful in turning the house against Frank for the most part. Now we have to wait and see how long before Frank catches on or what James and Nicole discuss separately. Nicole has already told Corey that Day was lying to Frank about Tiffany being the one targeting him (it was a group, but Nicole didn’t admit that). She’s a little wary of Day and if she puts her head together with James they may decide neither Day nor Frank can be trusted.
Fun times ahead on the Live Feeds so I highly recommend giving them a watch. We’ll have some potential today for activity on the Feeds as Victor’s eviction creeps up. This next HoH comp will be in full go mode and I can’t wait to see what happens.
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What do you think of Da’Vonne’s aggressive strategy? Does it make sense to break up the Vets already? She’s now targeted Tiffany heavily then Frank heavily as she shifts her target even though neither was putting her in imminent danger. It’s been an effective plan, but I’m just not sure if it’s been a smart one. We’ll see though. Either way, Team Feeds is sure to win!

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