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BB day 24/29

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BB day 24/29 Empty BB day 24/29

Post  Banjo 2014-07-18, 12:21

Nominations pretty well set even though the nom. ceremony won't take place until later today. Tomorrow will be the Battle of the Block to determine which pair of nominees will be victorious.

Big Brother 16 – Week 4 Nomination Anticipation
By: Matthew Boyer | July 18, 2014 at 9:00 AM EDT

Following last night’s Big Brother episode where we saw Devin Shepherd walk out the front door two more HGs were crowned as this week’s Heads of Household. But who would they put up on the block? No mysteries this week and as the pair were quite vocal in the targets.

Nomination Anticipation for Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Overnight we heard a lot of discussions and shifting in plans as the nominees were worked through the gears and spit out on the other side with pairings and HoH ownership. Find out who is going on the block and should prepare for the upcoming Battle of the Block competition on Friday.

Right away when the Feeds returned we were able to confirm the winners: Cody & Frankie. Their targets should be a big surprise as both are members of the Detonators alliance and would be able to work together toward the same goal.

Quickly the names were coming out for targets: Amber, Brittany, Jocasta, and Victoria. Now they had to decide the best way to divide and conquer.

By the end of the night it was decided. Cody would nominate Brittany and Victoria. Frankie would nominate Amber and Jocasta together. The guys didn’t want Cody nominating Amber as they hope to get those two working together, which of course is causing plenty of stress on Caleb.

The real targets in each pair are Brittany and Jocasta. Which ever side remains on the block after today’s BotB will be the target. For now at least. We’re still six days away from the next eviction and I think we all know how this place can shift.

So why is Brittany such a target? From what I can tell Derrick is still unsure of Brittany and she’s still unsure of him. Derrick would prefer to get her out rather than have to worry about whether or not she’ll come after him later. Seeing as how Derrick is controlling HGs so well, he’s got them making his target their target too.

Oh, and as for the Team America mission? They were assigned to target a “Physical Threat” player and learned of this after setting up their nomination plans. No worries though, they figured, as Amber would now be their “physical” competitor going up on the block even though they weren’t making her the real target as of yet.

What do you think of these nomination plans? Are Cody and Frankie making the right choices or are they wasting their week already?

Age : 86
points :
BB day 24/29 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB day 24/29 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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BB day 24/29 Empty Re: BB day 24/29

Post  Banjo 2014-07-18, 16:16

BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak · 2h

Cody has nominated Brittany and Victoria, and Frankie has nominated Amber and Jocasta for eviction!

Given those noms. , we can see that each pair has one strong (Brittany and Amber) and one weak (Victoria and Jocasta) player. So the Battle of the Block should be interesting. I only hope that Brittany comes through okay.

Age : 86
points :
BB day 24/29 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB day 24/29 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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