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BB 17 6-28

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BB 17  6-28 Empty BB 17 6-28

Post  Banjo 2015-06-28, 14:18

The veto meeting hasn't taken place yet. Probably won't know what happened until late afternoon. Tonight's "live" show took place on Friday/Saturday.

1:03 PM (10 minutes ago)

Big Brother Network: "Big Brother 17 Live Feeds: Houseguests Catch On To Audrey’s Puppet Master Game" and 4 more
Link to Big Brother 17

Big Brother 17 Live Feeds: Houseguests Catch On To Audrey’s Puppet Master Game
Big Brother 17: Veto Plans In Week 1 – Meeting Coming Up
Tonight On Big Brother 17: Nominations & Battle Of The Block
Big Brother 17 Live Feeds: Week 1 Saturday Highlights
Big Brother 17: Jace & Austin Start To See The Writing On The Wall

Big Brother 17 Live Feeds: Houseguests Catch On To Audrey’s Puppet Master Game

Posted: 28 Jun 2015 10:15 AM PDT

Since the Feeds launched on Thursday night we’ve seen Big Brother 17 Houseguest Audrey Middleton in a power position with surprisingly quick control over players and moves, but has she played too hard and too fast?
Jason Roy on Big Brother 17

Jason Roy on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS All Access

Friday’s events in the Big Brother house were fantastic as Audrey scrambled to run down murmurs and whispering. Once that was settled Audrey had isolated Austin Matelson and Jace Agolli while seemingly calming the trouble she sensed from Da’Vonne Rogers. All was calm on Saturday until Audrey cranked it up again and that got some Houseguests catching on to her game.

Flashback last night to 4:45AM BBT on your Live Feeds as Audrey starts to grill Jeff with accusations that he’s working with Austin despite Jeff focusing his target on that very player. Jeff isn’t having anything to do with it and fires back that she’s crazy.

Jeff and Jason head outside for a break from the chaos when they start to discuss what Audrey is doing. Flashback to 5:35AM BBT as the guys start to share notes about Audrey’s behavior. They both agree that Audrey is playing the role of the puppet master and has been pitting players against one another so she’s not the target.

Jason says that Audrey’s behavior has pushed him and Da’Vonne even closer together after she tried to drive them apart and put the spotlight on Da’Vonne. Jeff agrees that it’s not going to work on him either.
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Jason suggests that some of the guys in the game are afraid to go after Audrey because of her backstory, but he won’t let that stop him. They agree that Audrey needs to go sooner than later.

Jump forward to 9:10AM BBT this morning as Austin and Vanessa Rousso settle in for some game talk. They compare notes and similarly realize that Audrey is running the game with Clay as her closest ally while trying to make Da’Vonne appear as the ringmaster.

Austin asks if they should just roll over and let Audrey continue to do this or should they rally and fight back. Vanessa thinks it’d be too soon to take action. Sigh.

That leaves us with Audrey still in a strong position, but her game has been exposed to enough players that she’s less insulated than she was when the Feeds began for us. But don’t forget, we’re on Day 10 of Big Brother 17. Day 10 out of nearly 100. Settle in for a long, fun season.

Big Brother 17: Veto Plans In Week 1 – Meeting Coming Up

Posted: 28 Jun 2015 09:00 AM PDT

The first Power of Veto Ceremony is coming up for Big Brother 17 and the Houseguests are ready for their next move and we know what it’s going to be thanks to our spoilers coverage.
Jace has reason to be worried on Big Brother 17

Jace looking worried on Big Brother 17 – Source: All Access

The regular Big Brother schedule is a little off this week thanks to the start of the season and a longer than usual stretch of events. Normally we’d see the Veto comp on Saturdays and Veto meeting on Mondays, but this round the comp was on Friday and we’re expecting the Ceremony today.

Jackie and Steve went in to the Veto comp as the remaining BB17 noms with the expectation that whoever won would save one of them and clear the path for a Backdoor. Steve wasn’t going to risk staying up there though and supposedly crushed the spelling competition to win his own safety. (he found enough letter tiles to spell "trombonist", longest word wins)

At the Veto meeting you can expect Steve to save himself and force a renom by James, the current HoH. James is going to put Jace up on the Block and we should have some fun times ahead with that.

James has repeatedly told Jace they’re good and their silly “Five Alive!” alliance is holding strong. Jace and Austin are far more nervous now than they were before, but both hope they’ll have the votes to avoid Jace’s eviction should their renom fears come true. They don’t and it will.
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While some HGs are starting to catch on to Audrey’s aggressive pot-stirring methods there is little chance of things changing and getting her up on the block. James seems pretty concrete on the Jace renom plan so that’s what I’m sticking with.

Once the final noms of the week are set we’ll await the first eviction live on Thursday night. Jace has promised he’ll go nuts if he gets on the Block and I don’t doubt it so be sure to keep your Live Feeds close by and stick with us for more Big Brother 17 coverage!

Age : 86
points :
BB 17  6-28 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB 17  6-28 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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BB 17  6-28 Empty Re: BB 17 6-28

Post  Banjo 2015-06-28, 16:44

The POV results are in and Jace is really mad at James for putting him on the block but James isn't backing down. Jace doesn't seem to realize that his attitude ever since they started, remember, they've been in the house 11 days, has been the reason why most of the other HGs want him out. That frequently happens early on. There's usually one HG that thinks they are God's gift to everyone and try to 'take over'. It never works. Some hang on longer to everyone's detriment but eventually enough people wise up and they are booted. It looks like Jace will be an early bootee. Audry may be next given her similar persona and most HGs beginning to tire of her.

Although Jackie is on the block with Jace, there's little chance that she will be the bootee.

'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Was the Power of Veto Used in Week 1?
Sunday, June 28, 2015

John Kubicek

The first eviction of Big Brother 17 is still four days away, but the final nominees are already locked as the first Power of Veto ceremony is over. Who's on the block, who's the target and what drama will unfold over the next few days?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 17 spoilers.

James is the permanent HoH with Jackie and Steve on the block. Steve won the PoV..

Steve saved himself. Jace is the replacement nominee.

The hammer has been dropped. Backdooring Jace has been the plan from the beginning and the votes are definitely there to send him home. Of course it did come as a bit of a shock to Jace, who was told that the plan was to backdoor Jason.

James and Audrey have been playing Jace and Austin all week, making them think they had an alliance. Jace, Austin and Liz have become a solid trio who thought they were the cool kids running the game, but now they're on the bottom.

What Are the Week 1 Alliances?>>

James certainly has the votes to evict Jace, with Audrey, Da'Vonne, Jason, Meg, Jeff, Clay and Shelli all definitely on board. Odds are good that Steve, Becky, John and even Vanessa will go with the house. It's unclear if Austin and Liz will give Jace their pity votes or just go with the house.

UPDATE: After the ceremony, Jace confronted James, angry that he betrayed him. Elsewhere, Austin finally seemed to figure out that he can't really trust Audrey and Clay and that they were in on this plan. Austin and Jace are starting to realize that Da'Vonne isn't to blame for everything and they might even try to swing Da'Vonne and Jason to save Jace. James, Audrey and Clay are definitely getting the majority of the blame. Austin's plan to save Jace involves getting himself, Liz, John, Vanessa, Steve and maybe Da'Vonne and Jason as the seven votes they need.

Shushing and Streaking with Jace>>

The other big change over the last 24 hours is how many people see through Audrey's manipulations. Jeff and Meg had an in-depth conversation about how Audrey is playing everyone and trying to turn the house against Da'Vonne, even though that doesn't help their game. Later Jeff talked the Jason about Audrey, with Jason saying she's playing the game just like Amanda Zuckerman did in season 15.

Jackie is also onto Audrey. There was a rumor going around about Jackie being involved in an all-girls alliance (with Becky, Shelli and Vanessa). Audrey was going around to everyone talking about it and she told Jackie that she thinks Da'Vonne started the rumor. Audrey was obviously trying to turn Jackie against Da'Vonne, but Jackie wasn't really buying it.

As for Audrey herself, she's already turned on Vanessa after starting to bond with her on Saturday, suspecting that Vanessa is feeding information to Austin and Liz. Audrey is making Richard Nixon look calm and level-headed.

It's only week 1 of Big Brother 17 and Jace is the obvious target, but an Audrey vs. Da'Vonne showdown is definitely coming soon and it should be quite the battle. And if Audrey gets too paranoid about the people she's aligned with, could she try to flip to save Jace? She might be crazy enough to do it.

Who do you want to be evicted?

Age : 86
points :
BB 17  6-28 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB 17  6-28 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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