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BB 17 7-16

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BB 17  7-16 Empty BB 17 7-16

Post  Banjo 2015-07-16, 15:40

No doubt that Jeff will be going home. That will leave Jackie "twisting in the wind". She has done nothing to attract attention to herself so far and may be able to skate further since other HGs are considered to be more dangerous.

Big Brother 17: Vanessa Threatens Clay Over ‘90% Sure’ Vote

Posted: 16 Jul 2015 10:30 AM PDT

The next Big Brother 17 vote has been seemingly decided for days but thanks to Vanessa Rousso constantly picking at the situation it’s yet to be finalized. Last night she was at it again.
Vanessa & Shelli debate the vote with Clay

Jeff hasn’t given up even with the numbers stacked against him and maybe that’s because he keeps feeling like he’s making progress as he appeared to do last night with Clay Honeycutt.

After lengthy pleading by Jeff we found Clay upstairs talking with Vanessa and Shelli as they continued to count the votes. Flashback to 9:04PM BBT 7/15. Their confident they can keep him from getting to six, but can’t understand why he keeps working at it.

Vanessa wants to know what Clay told him and why he hasn’t made his decision final and known to Jeff. Vanessa fears that if enough of the “I’ll vote with the House” sheep start to think Jeff has a chance then they may go with that choice.

Clay admits to Vanessa he was only “90% sure I’m voting against Jeff.” Uh oh. Vanessa doesn’t like that at all and immediately jumps on him. Not literally, of course. Clay defends himself saying he wanted to talk with Shelli first since they hadn’t discussed it. Shelli rejects that saying anything he wants to say with her he should say in front of Vanessa too. Way to stand up for your closest and strongest ally, Shelli.

Vanessa reminds them that she did this for them. She wanted to get out James but instead put two big targets up and made a larger enemy out of Jeff when she didn’t have to. Shelli deflects that saying this was Austin’s idea (she’s right) and had Austin not thrown that Veto comp then this wouldn’t be an issue right then. Smart reminder.

Should Clay continue to entertain this idea of voting to keep Jeff then Vanessa threatens him that all trust will be lost between them. They’ll be done.
bb17-feeds-20150715-2105-vanessa bb17-feeds-20150715-2104-vanessa-shelli-clay bb17-feeds-20150715-2106-clay

Shortly after, 9:20PM BBT, Shelli is telling Clay that he’s running the risk of ruining their trust from Vanessa. Things are shot for Jeff and Clay better not do the same with Vanessa and them. Clay promises to go back and smooth it over.

Jump again to 10:24PM BBT and you’ll find Vanessa venting angrily to Austin and Liz over Clay’s audacity to consider his options. “You want to act like you have some sort of choice??” questions Vanessa. Austin uses this opportunity to again suggest they need to expose Clay and Shelli.

Clay tries to right the ship with another talk at 10:55PM BBT in a full HoH room. “Is this funny to you? Cause I’m not laughing. I’m scared,” says Vanessa. Clay promises her he’s only thinking of Jeff on a personal level. He confirms to her that he’ll vote out Jeff and later tells James the same thing.

Well I don’t think there’s any chance of Jeff staying and I really don’t think Clay has any intentions of doing a sympathy vote for his former close ally. Vanessa played tough on this one and she one, but did she play too tough? The real error here could be from Clay for exposing his uncertainty in her leadership and Austin may continue to capitalize on these opportunities.

Once we find out who wins Head of Household tonight the real fun begins. Lots of options out there after a stressful week made all that much more so by an erratic reign by Vanessa. It’s nearly time to see if her gamble paid off.

Big Brother 17 Eviction Predictions: Who Is Going Home Tonight?

Posted: 16 Jul 2015 08:00 AM PDT

The votes for who is going home tonight on Big Brother have been fairly set despite Jeff’s best efforts to change his fate. Overnight a few new talks came up that left HoH Vanessa less than confident in the support she was receiving, but would it change anything?
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother – Source: CBS

Jeff was working hard to rekindle the original trust he had with Clay and Shelli but it just didn’t seem to be working, or did it? Clay told Vanessa he was 90% sure he’d vote out Jeff. Guess how well that went over?

Vanessa flipped her lid and she didn’t hide it from Clay either who was quick to backtrack and assure her she had his support. Now I don’t think Clay will vote to keep Jeff but you can see he was considering it and foolishly let someone other than Shelli know. Shelli is more of a lock for Vanessa though as their bond seems tighter.

Even with a few cracks in the vote block and a hinky vote from Audrey yet again, guess who is earning herself the suspicions of being America’s Player?, we won’t see Jeff get to the necessary 6 votes to stay. He’s done.

Big Brother 17: Who Will Be Evicted? Week 3

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.

Tonight On Big Brother 17: Live Eviction & HoH Competition

Posted: 16 Jul 2015 06:30 AM PDT

Get ready for another eviction tonight on Big Brother 17 starting at 9/8c on CBS when Vanessa Rousso looks to lock in her target for eviction. Well, not her target, but at least it’s someone’s target.
Big Brother 17 - Live Eviction tonight

Big Brother 17 – Live Eviction tonight – Source: CBS

Vanessa will be satisfied to see Jeff Weldon evicted tonight, but she was doing the dirty work for Austin Matelson who really wanted him out over Vanessa’s original target of James Huling. Oops.

Despite Jeff’s best efforts to make it through the upcoming vote things do not look good for the former Amazing Race’r who’s about to head home. He’ll leave behind his duo partner Jackie Ibarra, who may or may not realize she’s on Big Brother, and just a small handful of allies.

With James surviving the eviction he’ll have an opportunity to win one of the next two HoH competitions and if this year continues to follow the former season’s pattern then we could have a paired competition with contestants working together. In that case the paired players would become the paired HoHs and soon be making their nominations official.

It’s a high stakes night of Big Brother and we’ll be covering it live right here on the site through the whole show. You can also watch along all day as the Houseguests prepare and then be ready to watch what happens on the Live Feeds. Grab your Free Trial now and start watching the action!


Age : 86
points :
BB 17  7-16 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB 17  7-16 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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BB 17  7-16 Empty Re: BB 17 7-16

Post  Banjo 2015-07-16, 16:14

'Big Brother 17' Recap: Jeff's Game Is Not So Amazing
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

John Kubicek
Senior Writer, BuddyTV
Amazing Race and Big Brother are two completely different shows. One is about racing around the world, telling cab drivers to speed up and pass the other teams. It's a sprint. Big Brother 17 is a 98-day marathon where the HGs are stuck in one place for the entire time. It requires patience and tact.

Jeff doesn't have those qualities. In this episode, Austin and Clay conspire to backdoor Jeff, but in order to get Vanessa on board they have to manipulate her a bit and set up Jeff to take the fall for everything. It's a very unusual scenario where Jeff is blamed for things he's actually done, yet it still feels like he's being scapegoated.

Vanessa's Plan

After the Battle of the Block, Vanessa wants to keep the nominations the same so James can go home because he's allegedly a huge competitive threat. However, Clay and Austin would rather have Jeff go home this week. For now, Vanessa and Austin are staying close to Audrey, but they obviously don't completely trust her. Vanessa wants Audrey or one of them to win the PoV so they can control the nominations.

The twins switch places again and, hilariously, Julia seems to be so over this crap. Liz tells her to be more bubbly, but Julia doesn't want to talk to anyone and doesn't want to act like a "dumb blonde." I love that they're squabbling about everything.

Jeff wants to bro down with Austin, Clay and James. However, he wants to get rid of Shelli because she's distracting Clay and he still brings up the twin thing to try and distance Austin from Liz. Dude, no one gets between these men and their ladies.

The Power of Veto Competition

Shelli, Austin and Audrey get picked to play. James and John both think the plan is still to backdoor Audrey. Even Audrey knows most of the house didn't want her to get chosen.

The competition involves a series of one-on-one battles where they must navigate inside of two giant dice to get a specific number. It's literally identical to the third PoV competition from last season. Have the comp designers run out of new ideas?

Vanessa vs. Audrey: Vanessa throws it and Audrey wins.

John vs. Audrey: Johnny Mac doesn't throw it and he wins, slaying "the monster everyone's afraid of."

James vs. Austin: They're both confused, but Austin ends up winning.

Shelli vs. Austin: Just like Vanessa, Shelli wants to throw it. It works and Austin wins again.

John vs. Austin: Austin knows Vanessa wants him to win, but he doesn't really want to, so he decides to slow play it and let Johnny Mac win.

John wins the Power of Veto!

So John wins for a second week in a row (and does a hilarious fake voice for the PoV in his DR because they're best friends now). But it helped him a lot that Vanessa, Shelli and Austin all threw it. Now Vanessa needs to make a replacement nominee and she's not happy about needing to get more blood on her hands.

After the competition, Vanessa and Austin have a fight. She is certain that he threw it, but he denies it. She's really angry at him and thinks he's trying to pull one over on her to get what he wants instead of what she wants. She's very perceptive and knows exactly what he did.

Gronk's Party Week

For Gronk's BB Takeover, Gronk sporadically calls the HGs to show up at a party at a certain place in the house and if they don't, they become a Have-Not. They do a bunch of random parties in the pool, shower or living room. It's a whole lot of completely pointless filler and by the end, even the HGs hate it.

Also, one of the competition winners this week wins a cruise with Gronk's family. Austin, Vanessa, Meg, Jason and John randomly pick a cup, chug their drinks and Meg's has the winning chip at the bottom, so she gets the cruise. Lamest. Luxury competition. EVER.

Jeff Gets Framed and Exposed

Jeff goes to the HoH room to talk to Vanessa. Vanessa makes it clear that, as a champion of LGBT causes, she doesn't want to nominate Audrey. He's confused as to why Audrey isn't the target anymore.

Jeff gets angry about Vanessa being brainwashed by Audrey and he tells Clay and Jason that this is bad news for James because he's obviously her target. Austin comes out too and acts shocked to learn Audrey isn't the target, but Jason sees in his eyes that Austin knew that Audrey was NEVER the real target.

Jeff gets paranoid and tells Clay that Austin needs to go soon because he's too close to Vanessa. Clay reports back to Austin and Austin is excited to expose Jeff double-crossing him in order to give Vanessa the reason she needs to backdoor Jeff.

Austin calls out Jeff about throwing him under the bus. Clay and Shelli are there too and Austin reveals that Jeff told him about wanting to split up Clay and Shelli.

Vanessa jumps on this as the perfect excuse to nominate Jeff because he's a liar. She's right, but this is also a complete set-up by Austin and Clay. It feels like Jeff is being framed for a crime he DID commit.

At the PoV ceremony, John saves himself. Vanessa nominates Jeff, lying about how he wasn't even on her radar until his lies were just exposed. It's so disingenuous, but it gets the job done.

Somehow, Jeff deserves to be nominated and evicted, but it's kind of for all the wrong reasons. Jeff idiotically believes her and blames Audrey for manipulating Vanessa.

Age : 86
points :
BB 17  7-16 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB 17  7-16 Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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