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BB day 64 Saturday

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BB day 64  Saturday Empty BB day 64 Saturday

Post  Banjo 2013-08-24, 14:34

Right now the POV comp. is going on. When we see who won it, later this afternoon, then we'll know how the nominations will finalize.

'Big Brother 15' Spoilers: Who Are the Week 9 Nominees?
Friday, August 23, 2013

John Kubicek
Senior Writer, BuddyTV

The Big Brother 15 house was completely changed by this week's massive HoH competition that saw the four members of the jury competing to get back into the game. So with a returning player and a new HoH, things are more unpredictable than ever before.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 15 spoilers.

Judd came back into the game and Elissa is the new HoH. She nominated Aaryn and McCrae.

And just like that, 3 A.M. is in trouble. It seems like Aaryn is the real target, but there's definitely the option to backdoor someone like Amanda, which is making her even more paranoid than usual.

The past 24 hours have been a flurry of excitement. Elissa was determined to nominate Aaryn and McCrae from the beginning, which led to lots of tears from Amanda as she tried everything she could to get Elissa to put up GinaMarie as the pawn. Little did she know that, before the HoH competition, GM and Elissa promised that they wouldn't nominate each other if either won.

It was kind of great watching Amanda whine and complain about how unfair it is and how stupid Elissa is, simply because, unlike every previous HoH, she refused to do EXACTLY what Amanda wanted her to do. Which is crazy, because getting Elissa to target Aaryn is what Amanda wanted her to do (just without McCrae as the pawn).

I believe Elissa's real target is Aaryn. Not only does she blame her for being the weapon McCranda used to get rid of Helen (Aaryn has even admitted that she was enabling them by serving as Amanda's puppet), but Elissa just doesn't like Aaryn.

Strategically, I suppose it makes a little sense because, without Aaryn, McCranda don't have someone to do all of their dirty work. But I think Elissa is far more motivated by personal hatred, as she hasn't stopped talking about Aaryn's racist comments since week 2. She simply thinks Aaryn is mean and doesn't deserve to be there. In that sense, I don't really respect Elissa's decision because she's making the same mistake GM made, playing personally instead of strategically.

Of course Elissa is also staying firm on her vow not to nominate GM (because of the deal), Judd (because he's one of the only "good" people in the house) and Spencer (because it would be a waste). That only leaves a handful of people, and if Aaryn or McCrae are saved, it leaves Andy and Amanda as the only potential replacements.

That's a scenario Amanda is petrified of, and while Andy seems to be doing his best to prevent it, the others don't really seem to care. At this point, Judd and Spencer are so safe that it doesn't seem to matter too much if Aaryn or Amanda goes home.

UPDATE (Friday at 11pm): Well, it seems Elissa isn't targeting Aaryn after all. Or at least she has told Judd and Aaryn that her plan is to backdoor Amanda, so she really hopes Aaryn wins the Power of Veto, and if not, Elissa says she hopes she wins it so she can save Aaryn, backdoor Amanda and prove herself. Odds are GinaMarie is on-board with this plan too since she and Elissa are now BFFs. So I assume if any of the four of them win the PoV, Aaryn is safe and McCranda will be nominated against each other.

Alliance Update

It's impossible to track alliances anymore since everyone is making Final 2, 3 or 4 deals with everyone else, but here's what I can tell about what people are trying to do.

McCrandy: The threesome of McCrae, Amanda and Andy seems as tight as ever. They've had separate Final 4 alliances with just about everyone, including Judd (Goof Troop), Aaryn (3 A.M.) and most recently Spencer. McCrae even offered Elissa a spot in the Final 4 with them, meaning GM is the only person who has never had a Final 4 offer with McCrandy. But at the core, it's always been 2 A.M. and Andy is still running back to tell Amanda everything he hears in the house.

The Guys: There's definitely talk of the guys sticking together, especially with Andy, Spencer and Judd. The funny part is that, just like with the Moving Company, they would probably prefer it if Amanda was gone because then they could work with McCrae and trust him more. It would be kind of funny if the season begins and ends with an all-guys alliance.

The BB Bunnies: Aaryn and GM are still pretty tight, especially now that they both seem to recognize that McCranda is bad for them. In previous weeks, they've made Final 3 deals with Andy and Spencer.

Team Elissa: In a highly unusual band of misfits, Elissa seems to want to get rid of Aaryn so that she could work with GM and Judd in some weird new hybrid alliance. They would also take in Spencer, so it's all of the people not in 3 A.M. Maybe they'll call it the Grasshoppers, since that was the phony alliance Judd, Spencer and GM had with Howard and Kaitlin that no one else believes existed (even though it did, and since coming back into the house, Spencer has told Judd not to tell anyone else about it).

McCrae's First Nomination

It's also worth noting that this is the first time all season that McCrae has been nominated. He survived the first nine evictions without ever being nominated, a feat only seven other people have ever accomplished. Season 5 winner Drew Daniel, season 14 winner Ian Terry, season 6's Beau Beasley and April Lewis and season 3's Danielle Reyes and Jason Guy all did the same thing.

As for the seventh person, that's Andy this year, who is now the only HG of the season who has never been nominated. If he doesn't go up as a replacement, he will have survived 10 evictions without being a nominee, something only April, Danielle and Jason did. And no one has made it past 10, so Andy could set the all-time record for going the longest without being nominated.

This week has only just begun on Big Brother 15, and several things are possible. If the nominations stay the same, the odds are good that Aaryn will be evicted. But if either Aaryn or McCrae come down and Amanda goes up, then it becomes a real race.

Big Brother 15: Target Flip Brings New Drama & Fighting Overnight

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 09:20 AM PDT

Elissa laughs at Amanda's fight

Last night brought all the things we love about Big Brother. Stress, fighting, target flipping, false assurances of safety, and drama. Lots of drama.

All day we knew where the new HoH was heading with her nominations and most the HGs knew it too. The nominees had been point blank told to get ready for a trip to the block. Despite all those warnings they were still upset when it became a reality at the Nomination Ceremony and when that happened we were surprised by even more fun.

Elissa’s stated target has been Aaryn since she won the power as the new Head of Household, but before that she had told others she wanted to split up McCranda. So was she secretly hoping to BD Amanda or was Aaryn her real target? Well it doesn’t matter anymore because Amanda is now in the hot seat.

Flashback to 10:40PM BBT 8/23 and you’ll find Elissa unleashing her new plan to Judd. Elissa wants to keep Aaryn and target Amanda this week. She has Judd send Aaryn up to see her. Jump to 10:45PM BBT and Elissa is telling Aaryn all about this new plan. Aaryn is very excited and on board with the “Evict Amanda” plan.

In a surprise move the Veto players are picked just around midnight. When the Feeds return we discover that Elissa drew Amanda’s name and was not happy about it. Aaryn drew Houseguest’s Choice and picked Judd, surprising those in 3AM thinking she’d pick Andy, and then McCrae drew GinaMarie. Elissa’s hopes for backdooring Amanda were dashed (backdooring does not allow for the target to play for Veto, so this is technically not a BD move), but there’s still a good chance for Amanda to be renom’d.

Amanda starts to suspect she’s in danger and, doing just what we’ve come to expect from Amanda, she blows up. Flashback to 12:28AM BBT 8/24 to find Amanda fighting with GinaMarie. Amanda thought Elissa and GM were whispering about her as she paced back and forth through the house like a caged animal. GM isn’t having any of it and goes back at her. Of course Elissa is laughing through the whole thing and even took a spit-take when Amanda first started yelling at them.
GinaMarie yelling at Amanda GinaMarie yelling back at Amanda Amanda fighting with GinaMarie

Amanda accuses GM of floating to Elissa for having power. Amanda keeps asking “were you talking about me?!” GinaMarie is yelling back that she’s allowed to talk with Elissa. Elissa tries to stop GM but GM is wound up and keeps fighting back.

McCrae eventually shows up and drags Amanda away but she keeps yelling back at GM who invites her, with a yelling reply, to come be a big girl and talk s**t to her face. It’s a good time on the Feeds and it’s only going to keep getting better.

Later Amanda is up in the HoH room trying to convince Elissa of this and that but Elissa isn’t buying it. She starts laughing at Amanda’s fears and it’s only getting Amanda more upset. Flashback to 12:50AM BBT. Amanda keeps asking if Elissa wants to get rid of her, but Elissa denies it. Again McCrae shows up and they soon head back downstairs.
Elissa talking with Amanda Elissa laughing at Amanda Amanda stressing a renom

There are more talks through the night reaffirming that Amanda is the new target. Aaryn builds up support for it with GM and Spencer. Everyone seems on board. The house is once again divided along a new line.

Saturday’s Veto competition results will be HUGE and could determine everything. If Amanda wins she’ll save McCrae then we might see Andy go up in his place. If Aaryn, GM, Judd, or Elissa wins it then we’ll see Aaryn come down and Amanda go up. If McCrae wins it, well then that’ll be very interesting as Amanda would go up in his place. If he doesn’t use it then I’d expect McCrae to go so they can cripple Amanda.

What do you want to see happen next in the Big Brother house?


Age : 86
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Registration date : 2007-04-03

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BB day 64  Saturday Empty Re: BB day 64 Saturday

Post  Banjo 2013-08-24, 15:38

Whoa Nellie ! Amanda just won POV. This puts a wrench in plans to back door her but it had been planned for in the 'worst case scenario', they claim. It's certain that she will use the POV to take McCrae off the block and it's predicted that Elissa will nominate Andy as his replacement because he is the only logical choice if she stands by her pledge not to nominate GinaMarie and believing that Judd is the "only good guy", and Spencer is irrelevant. The blogs and forums are roaring with accusations of "rigged". In spite of what BBN says below, they have a point because Amanda has never shown any ability at comps before. I'll have to see what sort of comp. the POV was before I decide how accurate they are. If it was a physical comp. rigging is more likely. If it was a quiz/guessing game comp. then those are more unpredictable and prone to chance results.

Amanda won the Power of Veto

Well so much for Elissa’s big plan huh? Amanda will definitely use the Veto and McCrae will be saved. So who is going up? Andy or Spencer? Andy thinks it’s him. I’d agree.

As for all the people screaming “rigged!” you should keep in mind that over and over we see someone in imminent danger win their safety. Elissa just won HoH or she would have gone. Remember Frank last year? Janelle? Daniele? This the way BB works. HGs get backed in to a corner and turn in to comp beasts. So put down your tinfoil hats and enjoy the drama.

The HGs playing in today’s comp were Aaryn and McCrae as HoH’s noms, Elissa as HoH. Amanda, GinaMarie, and Judd were picked also picked to play.

Age : 86
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BB day 64  Saturday Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100BB day 64  Saturday Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-04-03

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