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Big Brother 14 -2012 Day 21

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Big Brother 14 -2012  Day 21 Empty Big Brother 14 -2012 Day 21

Post  Banjo 2012-08-01, 14:09

'Big Brother 14' Spoilers: The HGs Prepare for the Coaches to Enter the Game
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

John Kubicek

Inside the Big Brother 14 house, the coaches are all making big plans for next week. And those plans seem to involve playing the game.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains details from the Big Brother 14 live feeds.

As I've written before, it's obvious the coaches know that they're coming into the game this Thursday (or at least being given the option to come into the game). The diary room has clearly been asking them questions about this, and if that sounds like the producers are manipulating this game to benefit the coaches, they are. It's painfully obvious that, just like last season, the producers are trying to fix the game so that a veteran (probably Janelle) can finally win this game. The producers are probably doing some manipulating but they can only do that in the diary room sessions and out in the yard where the comps are held it's a different story. They can't manipulate the outcome of the comps unless they convince a player to out and out throw a comp and that seems very unlikely. Besides, there are already several cases this season where a coach admitted he threw a comp (Dan) for his own strategic reasons, not because of any manipulation.

But anyway, enough of my conspiracy theories. Here are the four major developments in terms of the coach twist.

Janelle Makes Deals

Janelle talks like her coming into the game is a guarantee and has already tried making deals with Britney and Dan to stick together once it happens, even talking about a possible coaches alliance.

Janelle Lies to the Newbies

While Janelle is telling Britney that she is 100 percent certain about playing, she's actively lying to the newbies, claiming that the contract she signed said she would not play the game and would not go to the jury house. Janelle is the kind of person who is so good at lying that I think she genuinely believes the lies. She's the best I've seen at it...but you can sometimes tell when she is lying by the way she twists her hair. At any rate....pure genius ! two thumbs up

Britney offered a hilarious story last night to illustrate Janelle's powers. Britney and Ashley were in the HoH room, and Janelle came in and, in an effort to turn Britney against Frank, Janelle said that Ashley told her that she overheard Frank say he was coming after Wil. And then Ashley agreed with it.

As Britney describes it, Ashley later said she didn't remember overhearing anything, but that since Janelle told her she said it, it must be true. Janelle literally Inceptioned Ashley, planting an idea in her head and making her think it was hers. I would call it a non-vampirish version of 'glamouring' roflmao

The Dan-Danielle-Britney-Shane Alliance

These four had a long chat Tuesday night where Dan and Britney basically told their players that the coaches will be coming into the game, trying to ensure that they will stick together and have a strong, trustworthy Final 4 deal. Britney expressed some apprehension about whether or not she'd choose to play the game, but ultimately decided that she'd regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't try.

Dan Tries to Sway Ian

Late Tuesday night (or early Wednesday morning), Dan and Ian had a long chat where Dan was testing the waters by talking to Ian about the possibility of the coaches entering the game. Ian obviously doesn't like it (his odds of winning go from 1 in 7 to 1 in 11) and he suspects many other newbies won't like it either. He says the newbies would all be shocked because none of them think it could actually happen because it would be so unfair to them and completely change the entire structure of the season (both of which are true, which makes me also hate this inevitable twist).

Here's the thing; the producers no doubt had planned for the coaches to come into the game as a possibility way back when they selected the coaches and made the offer, and contracts were signed. However it wasn't cast in stone if the newbies had played an interesting, ratings garnering game from day 1. After the Willie debacle and the obviousness of too many newbies playing a lackluster game, then the prods knew they would have to play the 'coaches return' ploy. Whatever it says or doesn't say in Janelle's contract, for one, or whether she is or isn't lying about it is moot at this point.

However, Ian told Dan that he would be open to working with the coaches in some capacity since he has better relationships with them. Was this the truth? Or was Ian simply lying to get in good with the coaches? Since Ian loves this show so much and knows everything about it, I really hope he's smart enough to realize working with the coaches will result in a repeat of last season where a coach wins and Ian becomes the new Adam. So far there hasn't been many, if any, comps tailored to Ian's strengths. If that continues then Ian will be in deep trouble and working with the coaches or not will be irrelevant.

That's the status of everyone right now regarding the big twist. As for this week's vote, it seems like Frank is definitely going home. Danielle and Wil are both lying to Frank and Boogie, claiming that they are open to keeping him, but it's just a ruse to make Boogie's team feel confident so that, when Frank gets blindsided, Ian will hopefully be dazed and confused when playing in Thursday's HoH competition. At the very least Wil seems to be open to turning on his team (and Janelle) next week, but by then it could be too late. I'm not convinced that Frank rather than Joe will be evicted, I'd say 50/50 at this point because of the continuing uncertainty of who's voting how ? However it is true that Frank is by far the bigger threat down the road than Joe, who is a non-entity (my term, the common term is 'floater') so that's a strong argument for booting Frank, but it still comes down to reliable votes.

Also, it sounds like the diary room interviewers were really pushing Frank to confront Joe and Janelle about their lies in a Willie-style blow-up, but he's been talked down from that by the other HGs who think it would backfire and make him look unstable. That's true, because even Joe and Janelle know about this producer-inspired blow-up, and they want it to happen. Frank isn't the sort of guy that could pull off a 'fake blowup' a la Willie. Willie had it in his genes, Frank is a more balanced, if scheming, person.

Getting rid of Frank is what the coaches want because they know that he's their biggest threat. I only hope that, in the next 24 hours, the other HGs get clued in to the fact that the coaches are coming back and unite against them. By now they should be convinced that the coaches are coming back, if not then they will be reeling in panic and confusion tomorrow night. But regardless, they won't be able to unite. A couple might but it would be better in the long run to play to their individual strengths and try to win comps. No amount of strategizing can substitute for winning comps.

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